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  • Be Informed | Heart of Carolina Homes Blog

    Monday, January 18, 2021   /   by Chelsea Vanderpool

    How a Real Estate Agent Works for YOU!

    The state of North Carolina requires a real estate agent to share with you how an agent can work for you. It's for your protection and understanding! Basically a well informed consumer is better protected then someone who doesn't know how real estate agents work. 
    It also lets you know how a real estate agent gets paid..
    Frankly, you don't really even care about how all agents work in North Carolina. You are more interested in how an agent will work for you.
    Having a basic understanding of how they operate and how it applies to you is going to make you a more informed buyer in real estate.
    No one likes the idea of being uninformed.
    Since real estate laws, rules and forms can change, sometimes every other month, it is our duty and privilege to help you understand what these changes mean so that you can function most effectively to get your desired home.
    You might ask why is this so important and so I'll tell you!...

    If you go up to a home and talk with the agent with thei. ...

      be informed, how an agent gets paid, how an agent works for you, nc real estate commission, why do i need a real estate agent?